fombart: Huck sees a sealion
fombart: play!
fombart: hucks wondering
fombart: huckleberry about to go bananas
fombart: Huckleberry of the High Sierras
fombart: Base camp watchdog
fombart: Doglit
fombart: resting at the bottom of forbush
fombart: Chillin out by Silver Lake
fombart: huckleberry waits...
fombart: Super Heroes
fombart: DSCF0942.jpg
fombart: IMGP2369.jpg
fombart: Dog watch
fombart: Lazy bones
fombart: they've spotted somthing
fombart: hucklegaze
fombart: Cragdog
fombart: the gatekeeper
fombart: Huckleberry considers...