John C. Campbell Folk School: 2023-11-16-community-woodcarving-52
John C. Campbell Folk School: 2024-03-03-woodcarving-carving-the-brasstown-nativity-helen-gibson-12
John C. Campbell Folk School: 2024-03-03-woodcarving-carving-the-brasstown-nativity-helen-gibson-22
John C. Campbell Folk School: Angela Wynn_Bird Crown-masked
John C. Campbell Folk School: Angela-Wynn_Rick-Carter
John C. Campbell Folk School: Carvers_KeithHouseSteps_1930
John C. Campbell Folk School: Carving and Blank
John C. Campbell Folk School: Carving Blank Pile
John C. Campbell Folk School: Carving-Cover_Working
John C. Campbell Folk School: Community Carving Night_030724
John C. Campbell Folk School: Community Carving Night_111623
John C. Campbell Folk School: Community Carving Night_DSC_6648
John C. Campbell Folk School: Gibson_Helen_WC_KS2A8499_ret
John C. Campbell Folk School: Hayden and Bonnie Hensley
John C. Campbell Folk School: Helen Gibson 1980s
John C. Campbell Folk School: Hope and Glen Brown
John C. Campbell Folk School: Jack Hall Carving W-1399_DSC_4035
John C. Campbell Folk School: Jack Hall Carving_DSC_3895
John C. Campbell Folk School: Jack Hall_Wisemen
John C. Campbell Folk School: Richard-Carter_Lamb