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John C. Campbell Folk School: 03_24_19_Murray_Anne_BA_Wood,_Windows,_and_Wow_KS2A4367_ret
John C. Campbell Folk School: Binding Books - Traditions and More with Judith Beers
John C. Campbell Folk School: Binding Books - Traditions and More with Judith Beers
John C. Campbell Folk School: Binding with Leather Copper and More with Debbie Ogle
John C. Campbell Folk School: Binding with Leather Copper and More with Debbie Ogle
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Arts Galore with Joyce Sievers
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Intensive with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Intensive with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Intensive with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Intensive with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Repair with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Repair with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Book Repair with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Books and Batik with Suzanne Hall and Barbara Bussolari
John C. Campbell Folk School: Books and Batik with Suzanne Hall and Barbara Bussolari
John C. Campbell Folk School: Books and Batik with Suzanne Hall and Barbara Bussolari
John C. Campbell Folk School: Books as Sculpture with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Books as Sculpture with Dea Sasso
John C. Campbell Folk School: Completely Captivating Coptic Binding with Annie Fain Liden
John C. Campbell Folk School: Completely Captivating Coptic Binding with Annie Fain Liden
John C. Campbell Folk School: Completely Captivating Coptic Binding with Annie Fain Liden
John C. Campbell Folk School: Dynamic Duos - Pewter Covers Meet Leather Spines with Dea Sasso and Lynda Abare
John C. Campbell Folk School: Living Off the Land Bookwise Gwen Diehn
John C. Campbell Folk School: Living Off the Land Bookwise with Gwen Diehn
John C. Campbell Folk School: Living Off the Land Bookwise with Gwen Diehn