foliosus: La Suda (left) and La Seu Vella (right) from the King's Bastion
foliosus: Bell tower and guard tower
foliosus: Bell tower and southern cloister window
foliosus: Anunciata Gate
foliosus: Anunciata Gate
foliosus: Anunciata Gate
foliosus: Lleida Pirineus train station
foliosus: Porta Major (main door), 13th Century
foliosus: Door between the cloister and the chapterhouse
foliosus: Ceiling of the Chapel of Bishop Requesens
foliosus: Ceiling of the Chapel of Bishop Requesens
foliosus: Southern window
foliosus: Reflections
foliosus: Window in the cloister
foliosus: Carved capitals in the cloister
foliosus: Fillols Gate archivolts
foliosus: Arches in the reservoir
foliosus: Arches in the reservoir