foliosus: La Giralda
foliosus: Baños de Maria de Padilla
foliosus: Window in the Salón del Techo de Felipe II
foliosus: Dome in the Salón de los Embajadores
foliosus: Salón de los Embajadores
foliosus: Dome in the Salón de los Embajadores
foliosus: Mudéjar wall decorations in plaster
foliosus: Mudéjar wall decorations in plaster and tile
foliosus: Patio de las Doncellas
foliosus: Mudéjar wall decorations in plaster and tile
foliosus: Reflections in the Patio de las Doncellas
foliosus: Patio de las Doncellas
foliosus: Mudéjar wall decorations in plaster and tile
foliosus: Gate in the gardens
foliosus: San Cristobal carrying Christ, by Martinez Montañés (1597)
foliosus: The Santas Justa y Rufina reredos, by Juan de Dios Moreno (1728)
foliosus: Reredos of the main altar, by Cayetano de Acosta (1770-1779)
foliosus: Desk and floor in the Sala Capitular (Chapter House)
foliosus: Clerestory windows in the vault of the crossing
foliosus: Top of the reredos and the vault of the apse
foliosus: Vault of the crossing
foliosus: Choir
foliosus: Tomb of Cristobál Colón
foliosus: Old mosque entrance
foliosus: Main entrance and La Giralda
foliosus: Main entrance
foliosus: Archivaults and frieze above the side door
foliosus: Side door
foliosus: Detail aroudn the main altar