foliosus: View from the station exit
foliosus: Himeji city manhole cover
foliosus: Castle seen from across the street
foliosus: Donjon (天守) over Cherry blossom bridge (桜橋)
foliosus: Donjon (天守)
foliosus: View from the old second moat
foliosus: Donjon (天守)
foliosus: Donjon (天守) and West small keep (西小天守)
foliosus: Defensive walls with shooting holes (狭間, sama)
foliosus: Complex roof structures
foliosus: Roof with butterfly crest end tiles, paulownia drip tiles, and a shachi ornament
foliosus: Double door (二重の扉)
foliosus: Musket racks (武具掛け)
foliosus: Carp roof ornament (鯱, shachi)
foliosus: One of the small keeps (小天守)
foliosus: Roof with shachi (鯱)
foliosus: Roof endcap tile (鬼瓦, onigawara) with paulownia crest
foliosus: Diorama of the old castle city
foliosus: Complex roof lines
foliosus: Donjon (天守) from the entrance to the western bailey (西の丸)
foliosus: Donjon (天守) from the western bailey (西の丸)
foliosus: Donjon (天守) from the western bailey (西の丸)
foliosus: Donjon (天守) from the western bailey (西の丸)
foliosus: Conger eel bento (穴子の飯) in the Himeji style
foliosus: Green tea parfait
foliosus: Kyōto style boiled tofu set (京風湯豆腐定食)