foliosus: Entrance courtyard
foliosus: Eastern approach to the central part of the temple
foliosus: Lotus pond (蓮池)
foliosus: Sansei-dō (三昧堂) and the eastern pagoda (東塔)
foliosus: Great pagoda bell (大塔の鐘)
foliosus: Great Fundamental Pagoda (根本大塔)
foliosus: Golden Pavillion (金堂)
foliosus: Approach to the San'ō-in (山王院)
foliosus: Mie-dō (御影堂)
foliosus: Hexagonal sutra repository (六角経蔵)
foliosus: Statue of Zōchōten (增長天)
foliosus: Statue of Kōmokuten (廣目天)
foliosus: Bridge to the island in the lotus pond (蓮池)
foliosus: Lantern (灯籠) with bell tower (鐘楼)
foliosus: Main entrance
foliosus: Front gate
foliosus: Dinner in the vegetarian temple style (精進料理)
foliosus: Main entrance at night
foliosus: Front gate
foliosus: Statue of Kōmokuten (廣目天)
foliosus: Temple grounds from the Bellows Road (蛇腹道)
foliosus: Golden Pavillion (金堂)
foliosus: Great Fundamental Pagoda (根本大塔)
foliosus: Middle gate (中門)
foliosus: Great Fundamental Pagoda (根本大塔)
foliosus: San'ō-in (山王院)
foliosus: Jar and screen in main entrance
foliosus: Painted room separator in main entrance
foliosus: Breakfast (精進料理)
foliosus: Main gate