foliosus: Main gate (山门, shān mén)
foliosus: Main gate (山门, shān mén)
foliosus: Offering incense in front of the Hall of Heavenly Kings (天王殿, tiān wáng diàn)
foliosus: Drum Tower (鼓楼, gǔ lóu)
foliosus: Bell Tower (钟楼, zhōng lóu) detail
foliosus: Bell Tower (钟楼, zhōng lóu) detail
foliosus: Bell Tower (钟楼, zhōng lóu) detail
foliosus: Hall of Heavenly Kings (天王殿, tiān wáng diàn) brackets
foliosus: Vaisravana (多聞天, duōwén tiān), holding a pagoda
foliosus: Dhrtarastra (持國天, chí guó tiān), carrying a pipa lute
foliosus: Virudhaka (増長天, zēngcháng tiān), carrying an umbrella
foliosus: Sculpted wooden canopy
foliosus: Skanda (韋駄天, wéituó tiān)
foliosus: Skanda (韋駄天, wéituó tiān)
foliosus: Courtyard in front of the Hall of the Great Buddha (大佛殿, dà fó diàn)
foliosus: Bronze lantern
foliosus: Offering incense in front of the Hall of the Great Buddha (大佛殿, dà fó diàn)
foliosus: Stone stele detail
foliosus: Incense burner in front of the Hall of the Great Buddha (大佛殿, dà fó diàn)
foliosus: Hall of the Great Buddha (大佛殿, dà fó diàn)
foliosus: Shakyamuni (釋迦如來, shìjiā rúlái) with Ananda to his right and Kasyapa to his left
foliosus: Manjusri (文殊菩薩, wénshū púsà)
foliosus: Statue of Bodhisattva Guānyīn (观音菩萨, guān yīn pú sà)
foliosus: Statue of Bodhisattva Guānyīn (观音菩萨, guān yīn pú sà)
foliosus: Hall of the Great Heroes (大雄殿, dà xióng diàn)
foliosus: Hall of the Great Heroes (大雄殿, dà xióng diàn)
foliosus: Incense burner roof
foliosus: Hall of the Great Buddha (大佛殿, dà fó diàn) brackets
foliosus: Hall of the Great Heroes (大雄殿, dà xióng diàn) detail
foliosus: Shakyamuni (釋迦如來, shìjiā rúlái)