foliosus: Luòyáng in the morning
foliosus: Dumplings
foliosus: Noodles with egg
foliosus: Wángchéng Square (王城广场, wángchéng guǎngchǎng)
foliosus: Water calligraphy (地书, dì shū) in the park
foliosus: Noodles
foliosus: Water calligraphy (地书, dì shū)
foliosus: Improptu concert
foliosus: View from my hotel room
foliosus: Noodles with brisket, peanuts and pickled green beans
foliosus: Ancient bronzes exhibit hall
foliosus: Stone stele from Xīpíng Reign (熹平石经, xīpíng shí jīng), Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE)
foliosus: Square brick with beast-mask pattern (浮雕兽面纹方砖, fúdiāo shòu miàn wén fāng zhuān), Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE)
foliosus: Tri-colored pottery beast-shaped tomb guardian (三彩兽面镇墓兽, sān cǎi shòu miàn zhèn mù shòu), Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE)
foliosus: White-glazed porcelain jar with cut peony design (自釉剔花牡丹纹瓷罐, zì yòu tī huā mǔdān wén cí guàn), Song dynasty (960–1279 CE)
foliosus: Sculpture of Guānyīn (观音菩萨造像, guānyīn púsà zàoxiàng), Tang dynasty (618-907 CE)
foliosus: Seven-character couplet in official script (隶书七言联, lìshū qī yán lián), Qīng dynasty (1644–1911 CE)
foliosus: Calligraphy in seal script (篆书轴, Zhuàn shū zhóu) by Wú Xīzài (吴熙载), Qīng dynasty (1644–1911 CE)
foliosus: Copy of inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks (石鼓文书轴, shí gǔ wén shū zhóu) by Wú Chāngshuò (吴昌硕), Qīng dynasty (1644–1911 CE)
foliosus: Table screen inlaid with jade (镶玉石博古插屏, xiāng yùshí bógǔ chā píng), Qīng dynasty (1644–1911 CE)