foliosus: Cloud 9 shopping mall
foliosus: Shanghai Grand Theater (上海大剧院, Shànghǎi dà jùyuàn)
foliosus: In front of the Shanghai Museum, at sunset
foliosus: Front of the Shanghai Museum (上海博物馆, Shànghǎi bówùguǎn)
foliosus: Fusion-style building
foliosus: Main entrance road
foliosus: Fusion-style building
foliosus: Fusion-style building
foliosus: Garden
foliosus: Heng Shan Moller Villa
foliosus: Shanghai Grand Theater (上海大剧院, Shànghǎi dà jùyuàn)
foliosus: Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center
foliosus: Oriental Pearl Tower
foliosus: Shanghai World Financial Center and Jin Mao Tower
foliosus: Pudong and the North China Daily News Building
foliosus: Pudong
foliosus: Bund buildings at night
foliosus: Looking up the Bund
foliosus: Zun wine vessel with ox head and animal mask (牛首兽面纹尊, niúshǒu shòu miàn wén zūn)
foliosus: Wine vessel (?父乙觥, ? fù yǐ gōng)
foliosus: Square wine vessel (亚?方罍, yà ? fāng léi)
foliosus: Square wine vessel (亚?方罍, yà ? fāng léi)
foliosus: Square wine vessel (亚?方罍, yà ? fāng léi)
foliosus: Wine vessel (小臣?方卣, xiǎo chén ? fāng yǒu)
foliosus: Square zun wine vessel (?古方尊, ? gǔ fāng zūn)
foliosus: 龙纹钟 (lóng wén zhōng, bell with dragon design)
foliosus: 大克鼎 (dà kè dǐng, big food vessel)
foliosus: Wine vessel with bird, animal and dragon pattern (鸟兽龙纹壶, niǎo shòu lóng wén hú)
foliosus: Square vessel with inlaid geometric pattern (镶嵌几何纹方壶, xiāngqiàn jǐhé wén fāng hú)
foliosus: Drum stand with openwork coiled dragon design (透雕蟠龙鼓座, tòudiāo pán lóng gǔ zuò)