foliosus: Estructura 17 "The Twins"
foliosus: Tradescantia spathacea (Commelinaceae); Moses-in-the-cradle or Chak ts'am
foliosus: Outer wall of the ball court
foliosus: Ball court
foliosus: East side of the acropolis
foliosus: Sally climbing the acropolis
foliosus: View from the top of the acropolis
foliosus: Courtyard from the top of the pyramid
foliosus: Jaguar altar and the tomb of Ukit Kan Le'k Tok'
foliosus: Newly restored stucco on the Jaguar Altar of the acropolis
foliosus: Acropolis
foliosus: Dives dives (Icteridae); Melodious blackbird
foliosus: Stonework details on the acropolis
foliosus: Ipomea sp. (Convolvulaceae); Morning glory
foliosus: Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Fabaceae); Chaczinkin
foliosus: Ctenosaura similis (Iguanidae); Black spiny-tailed iguana
foliosus: Ball court
foliosus: Estructura 17 "The Twins" and the ball court
foliosus: Palacio oval from the entrance arch
foliosus: View from the top of the Palacio Oval
foliosus: View from the Palacio Oval
foliosus: The twins from the top of the Palacio Oval
foliosus: Acropolis