foliosus: Colonial architecture (18th cent.)
foliosus: Spanish seal on the facade
foliosus: Statue to maternity
foliosus: Random street
foliosus: Salbutes de pollo
foliosus: Tacos de adobado
foliosus: Tacos de pollo
foliosus: Fried bean cakes
foliosus: Salbutes de cochinita
foliosus: Papadzules al aguacate
foliosus: Casa 483
foliosus: Outside of the Palacio
foliosus: Colonial architecture (18th cent.)
foliosus: Colonial architecture (18th cent.)
foliosus: Chasing the pigeons
foliosus: Crossing the street at the art museum
foliosus: The inevitable tourist horse buggy
foliosus: Door knocker
foliosus: Architecture details
foliosus: Unknown sp. (Rubiaceae)
foliosus: Face of noble with ritual scarification and feathered headdress. From Kabah, Late Classical Terminal period (800-1000 AD)
foliosus: Sculpted jaguar jawbone
foliosus: Ball court hoop from Oxkintox (Late Classic period, 713-714 AD)
foliosus: Carved jade from Cenote Sagrado, Chichén Itzá
foliosus: Chac Mool from Chichén Itzá (Mayan-Toltec period, 800-900 AD)
foliosus: Sculpture of the god Huehuetéotl
foliosus: Sculptures of the god Itzamná
foliosus: Carved offerings from the grave of King Ukit Kan Le'k Tok of Ek' Balam
foliosus: Carved skulls
foliosus: Sculpture of a god