Fojo1: Portrait with Smoke
Fojo1: Wonder and Joy
Fojo1: Carnival Ride in Motion
Fojo1: Carnival Down Time
Fojo1: Carnival Operator
Fojo1: Kids on a Carny Ride
Fojo1: Carney Crowd 1
Fojo1: Carney Whirl
Fojo1: California Abstract - Night Movements
Fojo1: Street Photography - Lemon Grove Stroll
Fojo1: Sports - Roller Derby Fans a
Fojo1: Color Photography - Stop Light and City Domes
Fojo1: Color Studies in Photography - Motorcycle on Broadway
Fojo1: Candid Photography - Bar Room Bus Boy
Fojo1: Pat Garvey - Music in an Irish Pub
Fojo1: Studies in Color - Cycles
Fojo1: San Diego Dancer from the Wings
Fojo1: D.C. Metro Rider
Fojo1: Pool Shark ala Edward Hopper
Fojo1: Dreadlocks
Fojo1: Abstract Photography - Freeway Art
Fojo1: Available Light in a Painterly Way
Fojo1: Abstracts and Realism in Photography
Fojo1: Neon Abstracts and Street Photography
Fojo1: Sports - On the Sidelines
Fojo1: Taxi Stand Abstract
Fojo1: King Street Kid
Fojo1: Abstract Photography - The Red Phantom Cap
Fojo1: Candid Photography - A Study in Color
Fojo1: Candid Photography - The Karaoke Singer