John McLinden: Thornton Force discontinuity
John McLinden: Schist from W side Loch Maree
John McLinden: Raised Beach Meall Donn Seil Isle
John McLinden: Paragneiss Loch Maree
John McLinden: Paragneiss Loch Maree
John McLinden: Paragneiss Loch Maree
John McLinden: Multiple dyke swarm Mull
John McLinden: Marooned sea-stack Dunollie
John McLinden: Granite Phionnphort
John McLinden: Dolerite dyke Seil Isle
John McLinden: Dolerite dyke Seil Isle
John McLinden: Dolerite dyke Seil Isle
John McLinden: Dolerite dyke Seil Isle
John McLinden: Dolerite dyke Seil Isle
John McLinden: Dloerite pipe Easdale
John McLinden: Carrick Tungsten Mine
John McLinden: Arkose sandstone fault & anticline. Cove
John McLinden: Arkose sandstone fault & anticline Cove
John McLinden: Arkose sandstone Cove
John McLinden: Amygdaloidal Basalt cliffs Gribun
John McLinden: Cove on Loch Ewe
John McLinden: Yewborough from Wastdale
John McLinden: The Bowder Stone
John McLinden: Santorini. Cliff-face or Caldera?
John McLinden: Santorini
John McLinden: Etna. A fumarole
John McLinden: Etna. The re-colonised slopes
John McLinden: Etna. New lava still cooling
John McLinden: Etna. An old vent on the southern slopes
John McLinden: Etna. The pointless sign!