John McLinden: Last year someone tripped over the Office Xmas tree so this year the Health & Safety gremlins have come up with their solution!
John McLinden: Wossat?
John McLinden: Class distinction on the Rhine!
John McLinden: Cyprus. North Nicosia
John McLinden: Cyprus Nicosia. The Greek side of the Frontier
John McLinden: Street Football in Brazil
John McLinden: A younger me long ago and far away (Working in Brazil)!
John McLinden: A younger me long ago and far away (Working in Brazil)!
John McLinden: Dunladin
John McLinden: Drifting
John McLinden: A typical Army Cadet 1962
John McLinden: 495191 S/Sgt Percy William Glover RAMC
John McLinden: I thought he was long gone!
John McLinden: What a lecture that was!
John McLinden: Lancing College
John McLinden: The picnic
John McLinden: Scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry
John McLinden: Scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry
John McLinden: Scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry
John McLinden: Scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry
John McLinden: Everyone seems to get into this occasionally!
John McLinden: Lunch!
John McLinden: A fading village sign
John McLinden: Mine's a Gin & Tonic, please
John McLinden: The finish of a day out?
John McLinden: Craig and Olga
John McLinden: Dudley Street. Wednesbury
John McLinden: The Burton Cooper
John McLinden: The Burton Cooper