John McLinden: Pompeii - straight streets
John McLinden: Pompeii. Stepping stones
John McLinden: Pompeii - traffic problems
John McLinden: Pompeii - straight streets
John McLinden: Pompeii - straight streets
John McLinden: Pompeii - straight streets
John McLinden: Pompeii. The Street of the tombs
John McLinden: Pompeii - a small baker's oven
John McLinden: Pompeii - another baker's premises
John McLinden: Pompeii - a large baker's oven
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Pompeii - Wall painting
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Pompeii. The Palestra
John McLinden: Pompeii - the women's baths
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Pompeii. The House of L. Frontius
John McLinden: Pompeii - "Temple of Apollo"
John McLinden: Pompeii. The Small Theatre
John McLinden: Pompeii, The House of L. Tiburtinus
John McLinden: Pompeii - The Forum
John McLinden: Pompeii
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Pompeii. The House of the Vettii
John McLinden: Pompeii. The House of L. Frontius
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Villa Oplontis
John McLinden: Pompeii - "Temple of Apollo"