fofie57: Iceland 2011
fofie57: boy on the beach
fofie57: basaltic organ
fofie57: always follow the yellow point
fofie57: on the top of the rock
fofie57: Cairn
fofie57: rear-view mirror
fofie57: our house for two weeks...
fofie57: Reykjavik and his lake
fofie57: are you ready for Iceland?
fofie57: blue landscape
fofie57: typical islandic lighthouse
fofie57: big garden...
fofie57: mêêêê what?
fofie57: the woman who murmur into the horses ears
fofie57: seal on the sun
fofie57: the new romance : love on the volcano :)
fofie57: we are so little
fofie57: Krafla's steam
fofie57: steam out of the cave
fofie57: vroum
fofie57: Hafragilfoss
fofie57: lava rock
fofie57: Detifoss beach
fofie57: station in the middle of...nothing
fofie57: ice face
fofie57: Jokulsarlon
fofie57: choup'iceberg
fofie57: Jokuslarlon
fofie57: black and white landscape