Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Leeds Bee Garden 2
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Preston flagmarket 2 - zoom in
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
These went up around the city
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Did you know?
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Dinner celebrations
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Press coverage of the Get Serious campaign
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Serious "face-off"
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Serious "face-off"
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Serious "face-off"
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Decision-makers-screening 3
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Age of Stupid Decision-Maker's-Screening
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Decision-makers-screening 2
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Decision-makers-screening 4
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Supporting Hooks Moor Windfarm
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
The octopus arrives at Parliament
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Age of Stupid Screening
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
NO LBA Expansion
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
No Coal Hole - bike ride to Ledston
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
No Coal Hole demo
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups:
Friends of the Earth Local Groups: