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E019East Midland Tiger Cub R373 seen in Chesterfield in April1974.
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E020East Midland VR D103 seen in front of Mansfield Westgate garage in April 1974.
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E023East Midland MCW bodied Lowlander D183 in Matlock bus station in June 1973 with an Alexander bodied Lowlander behind it.
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E024East Midland O544 Bristol RE in Worksop in April 1973.
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E025Worksop depot in August 1973.
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E028East Midland RE S552 in Chesterfield bus station with a South Yorkshire Leyland National in the background.
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E029East Midland Fleetline D178 in Ripley in 1980 in the traditional livery.
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E048Erewash Travel Duple bodied Bedford YLQ in Eastwood in June 1982. Erewash Travel started a competitive service from Eastwood to Stapleford via the QMC in March 1982.