Focht: H&C Coffee
Focht: Drink A Bite To Eat
Focht: DSCF4553.JPG
Focht: DSCF4188.JPG
Focht: 24.jpg
Focht: To Enter
Focht: Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Patent Office
Focht: McD's 1.jpg
Focht: The Rugged Boot
Focht: State Route to Hell?
Focht: DSCF3641.JPG
Focht: Yard 1
Focht: P8110049.JPG
Focht: P8110048.JPG
Focht: DSCF1793.JPG
Focht: Have a "Pinch and a smile."
Focht: DSCF1781.JPG
Focht: DSCF1778.JPG
Focht: DSCF1769.JPG
Focht: DSCF1768.JPG
Focht: DSCF1766.JPG
Focht: 55¢
Focht: DSCF1761.JPG
Focht: Everything for the home, farm, garage and factory? Nice...
Focht: 7up
Focht: Paradise - Open Till 2:30 a.m.