focalmatter: setting up
focalmatter: vodka = party
focalmatter: walkabout
focalmatter: token tourist shot
focalmatter: more of the shot
focalmatter: reno 09!!11 - 06
focalmatter: ice skating
focalmatter: frozen river
focalmatter: time to warm up
focalmatter: beer me
focalmatter: bridge over frozen waters
focalmatter: random church
focalmatter: reviewing
focalmatter: breakfast!
focalmatter: the best part of waking up
focalmatter: breakfast room
focalmatter: stairs and photos
focalmatter: breakfast room 2
focalmatter: breakfast room 3
focalmatter: punkin
focalmatter: chalet
focalmatter: random trees
focalmatter: she's comin' right for us!
focalmatter: away we go
focalmatter: cricket