focalmatter: JESUS CHRIST
focalmatter: the beast
focalmatter: gaslamp by night
focalmatter: twilightheaded
focalmatter: wolverineling
focalmatter: even supervillains go off duty
focalmatter: wolverine is bored
focalmatter: quick, robin - to the fatmobile!
focalmatter: none shall stand in luthor's way
focalmatter: lex is happy
focalmatter: kris straub lights
focalmatter: this is my money-takin' hand
focalmatter: oh god it's coming for us
focalmatter: i guess that's one way to stop it
focalmatter: okay i wanna go now
focalmatter: zentai a yellow ribbon
focalmatter: to applehead
focalmatter: plastic and yellow and lego is he
focalmatter: how strange
focalmatter: yeah but can you do that with silly putty?
focalmatter: hottest
focalmatter: zombies
focalmatter: more zombies
focalmatter: dragon
focalmatter: mech yeah
focalmatter: aren't you precious
focalmatter: smile and say freeze