Focal Intent:
Rocks near shore
Focal Intent:
School's in
Focal Intent:
Yulia underwater
Focal Intent:
turtles, all the way down
Focal Intent:
Sea Turtle
Focal Intent:
Sea lion out for a stroll
Focal Intent:
Marine iguana chilling on deck
Focal Intent:
Stingray on the ocean floor
Focal Intent:
one fish, blue fish
Focal Intent:
Yulia underwater
Focal Intent:
Focal Intent:
Shallow school of fish
Focal Intent:
Shallow school of fish
Focal Intent:
feeding time
Focal Intent:
bottom feeders of a sort
Focal Intent:
Focal Intent:
Underwater arch
Focal Intent:
serious fish
Focal Intent:
Focal Intent:
Stingray swimming in the water
Focal Intent:
Yulia swimming underwater
Focal Intent:
Focal Intent:
yulia and our dive master
Focal Intent:
one of the islands we dove off of
Focal Intent:
island we dove near
Focal Intent:
variety of fish
Focal Intent:
Focal Intent:
obligatory profile shot
Focal Intent:
underwater vegetation
Focal Intent: