Craig C.: Geert
Craig C.: Veerle
Craig C.: Aaron makes a face
Craig C.: Leslie makes a face
Craig C.: Creepy mannequin
Craig C.: Hoffbrau Steak
Craig C.: Iron Man(dolin)
Craig C.: Aaron, Nicole, Shaun, and Dave
Craig C.: Norm, Molly, and Aaron
Craig C.: Coley's feetsies
Craig C.: Frost Bank tower and Ritz sign
Craig C.: SXNW line
Craig C.: Light
Craig C.: Cindy and Matt
Craig C.: Sarah braiding Greg's hair
Craig C.: Greg's French braid
Craig C.: Carl's card case
Craig C.: Veerle, Geert, and Dave
Craig C.: Dave and Lauren
Craig C.: Leslie
Craig C.: Jeremy and Jessica documenting their meal
Craig C.: Buffalo meatloaf
Craig C.: Happy hour
Craig C.: Jessica and Richard
Craig C.: Caught red-handed
Craig C.: Praise cheeses
Craig C.: The usual
Craig C.: Rob with yogurt
Craig C.: Geert, Cindy, and Veerle