Nicolás Sanguinetti: Shelves and shelves of warhammer minis
Nicolás Sanguinetti: And of boardgames, too
Nicolás Sanguinetti: I bought Bang! The bullet edition
Nicolás Sanguinetti: It comes with all the expansion sets
Nicolás Sanguinetti: I also got the OotS game and a few minis, and Nacho bought Nuclear War and a very, *very* nice edition of Diplomacy
Nicolás Sanguinetti: For all your gaming needs
Nicolás Sanguinetti: ...oh, and I also bought a ball of whacks!
Nicolás Sanguinetti: Setting everything up for Nuclear War
Nicolás Sanguinetti: Bang! Will played the sheriff, I was the deputy, we won.
Nicolás Sanguinetti: Josh as the renegade. And he won!
Nicolás Sanguinetti: This town is not big enough for both of us... (queue western music)
Nicolás Sanguinetti: More whacks!