_foam: sint truiden monastery
_foam: in the corner
_foam: inner garden
_foam: doubtful observation
_foam: planning
_foam: the knowing smile
_foam: continuing the pattern
_foam: looking up
_foam: full moon ritual
_foam: writing instruction
_foam: immodesty
_foam: immodesty blues
_foam: concentration
_foam: irreverence
_foam: waiting for confession
_foam: the confession letter
_foam: treasure hunt instructions
_foam: treasure hunt start
_foam: treasure hunt spotting
_foam: finding the treasure
_foam: silent tea
_foam: singing in the darkness
_foam: barefoot walking
_foam: observing
_foam: observed
_foam: into the forest
_foam: ... or die
_foam: the forest sprite
_foam: end of barefoot walk
_foam: human? feet