fnks: Zoshicho (Nine storied pagode) next to the Daibutsu-den
fnks: Tamonten (One who is all knowing, one who hears everything in the kingdom, one who is always listening, completely versed in Buddha's teachings. Said to be the most powerful of the four Shitennō)
fnks: One of the many sacred Sika Deer around the Daibutsu-den
fnks: Nyoirin Kannon (One of many esoteric forms of Kannon in Japan and one of Six Kannon who preside over the six realms of karmic rebirth)
fnks: Nandaimon (Great South Gate)
fnks: Koumokuten (One of the pair of guardians in the Daibutsu-den)
fnks: Kokuzo Bosatsu (Deity of wisdom and memory)
fnks: Kofuku-ji (The Southern Octagonal Hall)
fnks: Kofuku-ji (The Five Storied Pagoda)
fnks: Kofuku-ji (The Eastern Golden Hall)
fnks: Entrance of the Daibutsu - den
fnks: Daibutsu (The Great Buddha)
fnks: Daibutsu - den (The Great Buddha Hall)1
fnks: Daibutsu - den (The Great Buddha Hall) 2
fnks: Chu Mon (The second gate to the Daibutsu - den)
fnks: Binzuru (Pindola Bharadvaja) at the entrance of the Daibutsu-den