f_shields: Walking in a winter wonderland
f_shields: Decorations
f_shields: The first bokeh of the season!
f_shields: Bokeh number 2
f_shields: Happy birthday, Dad!
f_shields: Happy birthday, Dad!
f_shields: Mince pies
f_shields: Edinburgh at Christmas time
f_shields: Another Bokeh!
f_shields: Ali has grown a grey 'tache...
f_shields: Russell
f_shields: Catherine with her new toy
f_shields: Sopio
f_shields: Cork
f_shields: Russell's prop for the Christingle service. It's even bigger than the last one he made!
f_shields: Happy new year
f_shields: birthday present!
f_shields: My Birthday Cake
f_shields: Cupcakes
f_shields: Cupcakes
f_shields: Cupcakes
f_shields: Swan!
f_shields: weeds
f_shields: Lilithgow Loch
f_shields: Snow
f_shields: Weeds
f_shields: A wee stream
f_shields: A wee bit of snow
f_shields: A wee bit of snow
f_shields: A wee bit of snow