sparksfly: The happy couple.
sparksfly: Speechless.
sparksfly: Not a care in the world.
sparksfly: Impressed with his Mamie.
sparksfly: The day she got up on skis-for the first time!
sparksfly: IMG_6134
sparksfly: His Grampa took him for a hair cut. I said "NOT high and tight." Something lost in translation.
sparksfly: We aren't old yet!
sparksfly: She's the one who taught us all.
sparksfly: IMG_6178
sparksfly: Letting her know it's 'bout to get choppy.
sparksfly: Nothing makes me happier than seeing him cry with pride over his wife.
sparksfly: It's hard to keep your hands of this one.
sparksfly: Aunti love
sparksfly: And she thought she lost it.