sparksfly: Making faces
sparksfly: IMG_9315
sparksfly: Lefty
sparksfly: Ski Ball Natural
sparksfly: IMG_9308
sparksfly: The BIG swing
sparksfly: Not big enough yet
sparksfly: Salley Kate, Ada, Lily
sparksfly: All grown up
sparksfly: IMG_9289
sparksfly: IMG_9288
sparksfly: Lily begins to understand why her mother hates this stuff
sparksfly: Trying to decide if this is fun
sparksfly: Evelyn lets go
sparksfly: IMG_9276
sparksfly: World's greatest mom takes one for the team
sparksfly: Evelyn and her snow cone
sparksfly: Evelyn shows her mom just how brave she is
sparksfly: Rhett, the thinker
sparksfly: IMG_9259
sparksfly: One of the two rides he was willing to try
sparksfly: Second thoughts
sparksfly: Evelyn
sparksfly: IMG_9252
sparksfly: Lily and Salley Kate
sparksfly: IMG_9250
sparksfly: IMG_9249
sparksfly: Caught
sparksfly: IMG_9245
sparksfly: IMG_9244