sparksfly: Whitman
sparksfly: Reidun takes matters into her own hands
sparksfly: Cayci at the bat
sparksfly: Billy and Finn picked it just for Lily
sparksfly: Eating amidst the animals
sparksfly: Crisco at its finest
sparksfly: Demtrius makes it just in time
sparksfly: He said he wouldn't miss it
sparksfly: Finn struggles from a late-nighter
sparksfly: Banks
sparksfly: Ruthie and Owen
sparksfly: Peacock
sparksfly: Must be related to Max
sparksfly: IMG_6157
sparksfly: Taking it all in
sparksfly: Little mother
sparksfly: Fascinated
sparksfly: IMG_6143
sparksfly: Cayci
sparksfly: Evelyn
sparksfly: Another one I could look at all day
sparksfly: IMG_6133
sparksfly: Teary
sparksfly: Love that boy
sparksfly: IMG_6127
sparksfly: Gracie, Reidun, Lydia
sparksfly: Salley Kate
sparksfly: IMG_6122
sparksfly: Ruthie
sparksfly: Ruthie, Bailey, Graham