Flying_Snow: APPLE TREE
Flying_Snow: autumn
Flying_Snow: red leaves
Flying_Snow: red autumn leaves
Flying_Snow: PICT4575 three goats
Flying_Snow: PICT4571 horse
Flying_Snow: PICT4566 watching me
Flying_Snow: PICT4558 me and I
Flying_Snow: PICT4538 love is in the air
Flying_Snow: colours of the autumn
Flying_Snow: PICT4523 autumn leafes
Flying_Snow: PICT4549 goat
Flying_Snow: PICT4547 looking at the camera
Flying_Snow: PICT4492 don't know how to call it
Flying_Snow: Parts Of A Machine | dof
Flying_Snow: PICT4484 green door
Flying_Snow: PICT4470 red apples
Flying_Snow: lilac and yellow
Flying_Snow: buisy bee
Flying_Snow: PICT4430 three in a row
Flying_Snow: PICT4417 small old house and bright blue sky
Flying_Snow: LILAC & GREEN
Flying_Snow: PICT4422 three of us
Flying_Snow: PICT4414 feeding a sheep
Flying_Snow: YELLOW FLOWERS ~ orton
Flying_Snow: lilac and yellow ORTON
Flying_Snow: field of flowers PICT4501 ORTON
Flying_Snow: PICT1511 colours of the nature.
Flying_Snow: PICT1519 little orange of a cemetery.