nans0410(busy): 建國百年煙火_百鳴齊發(Happy New Year Taipei 101 Fireworks)
昶銓: 夜花博‧閩式庭園
y2-hiro: three-dimensional purple
y2-hiro: The highest trees in this city
tu:barrio:: DSCF5241
y2-hiro: Arteries and veins
羅yc: DSC02413
酷vin 。hang: to my secret garden... II
nans0410(busy): 遙望天之崖,映入我心中
酷vin 。hang: to my secret garden... IV
酷vin 。hang: It must "bee" you
Mr. Mute_✈: 13580029
-[sixfoot.TW]-: 亞洲牆 at. 台西
crazydean: 四號公園
nans0410(busy): 光影捕者(Caught by light and shadow)
阿山 (San): 夕陽南灣湖
阿山 (San): 夕陽南灣湖
展展展: 夕陽