flygrl67: Trespass Trail -Gaviota Peak Loop
flygrl67: Trail Head
flygrl67: Gaviota Pass
flygrl67: Tunnel at the Gaviota Pass
flygrl67: Trespass Trail
flygrl67: Wooly Yerba Santa ~ Eriodictyon tomentosum
flygrl67: Wooly Yerba Santa ~ Eriodictyon tomentosum
flygrl67: Antirrhinum multiflorum, Bush Snapdragon ~ Trespass Trail
flygrl67: Antirrhinum multiflorum, Bush Snapdragon ~ Trespass Trail
flygrl67: Antirrhinum multiflorum, Bush Snapdragon ~ Trespass Trail
flygrl67: The Photographer's Well Worn Boots
flygrl67: Trespass Trail Panorama
flygrl67: Trespass Trail Panorama
flygrl67: Trespass Trail
flygrl67: Fly on Buckwheat
flygrl67: Buckwheat
flygrl67: Buckwheat
flygrl67: Trespass Trail
flygrl67: Vernal Pool
flygrl67: Location of the Vernal Pool ~ Trespass Trail below Gaviota Peak
flygrl67: Gaviota Pass
flygrl67: Interesting Rocks....
flygrl67: LOTS of Lady Bugs!
flygrl67: Ladies on a Salvia
flygrl67: Ladies on a Salvia
flygrl67: Just checkin'........
flygrl67: Checking Out the Cave
flygrl67: A cave!
flygrl67: Not sure if this was mademade or natural...
flygrl67: Authentic?