arrow57: Jets-10
arrow57: Jets-4-3
arrow57: Jets-4-2
arrow57: Jets-9
arrow57: Jets-8
arrow57: Jets-7
arrow57: Jets-6
arrow57: Jets-5
arrow57: Jets-4
arrow57: Jets-3
arrow57: Jets-2
arrow57: Jets
arrow57: Dropping Pacco of in Cedar City.
arrow57: I want a seat with a view!
arrow57: A rescue dog named Pacco. Pilots-n-paws, a rescue organization were pilots volunteer to fly dogs to their rescue home saving them from death.
arrow57: On his way to Flagstaff AZ
arrow57: The flight to Cedar City Utah
arrow57: St George Utah Airport, Piper Turbo Arrow III
arrow57: Landing on an glaicer on Mt McKinley in Alaska. De Havilland Otter airplane from Talkeetna Air Taxi in Alaska.
arrow57: Beautiful sunset at 6500'
arrow57: Evening flying
arrow57: A view from Above