Flxzr: DSC_4794
Flxzr: Jamie stupidly says he doesn't like Nascar
Flxzr: Awful Photo of a Bee
Flxzr: Pirate!
Flxzr: Jamie and The Pirate
Flxzr: The Goatee Club AGM
Flxzr: Me
Flxzr: Homicidal Jamie
Flxzr: DSC_4808
Flxzr: Laugh it up, Fuzzball
Flxzr: DSC_4812
Flxzr: The Man, Allegedly
Flxzr: "Why are you taking photos?"
Flxzr: DSC_4817
Flxzr: DSC_4818
Flxzr: There's a light monster behind you!
Flxzr: Got Your Number!
Flxzr: Jamie Stewart: Action Videographer
Flxzr: Cornered!
Flxzr: 118 likes to spank, apparently
Flxzr: The Devil and the Pirate
Flxzr: Classy, guys, classy...
Flxzr: Indiana Jones
Flxzr: DSC_4849
Flxzr: DSC_4850
Flxzr: Cowgirl, The Joker (female - Jokerina?) and a hick from Alabama
Flxzr: DSC_4853
Flxzr: DSC_4854
Flxzr: DSC_4860
Flxzr: Arr!