flutemumof3(I'm back): fingers of ice!!
flutemumof3(I'm back): freeze preserved
flutemumof3(I'm back): icicle with bubbles
flutemumof3(I'm back): Yates Mill bird
flutemumof3(I'm back): vultures on chimney
flutemumof3(I'm back): red=shouldered hawk
flutemumof3(I'm back): light and shade
flutemumof3(I'm back): osprey or hawk?
flutemumof3(I'm back): Ruby crowned kinglet
flutemumof3(I'm back): the decorated doors
flutemumof3(I'm back): The Guess-Ogle Garden
flutemumof3(I'm back): spring in the city
flutemumof3(I'm back): Through the magnolia
flutemumof3(I'm back): Softness of Spring