FluidPudding: One of the 3,584 photos I took of the lake. Why do I do that?
FluidPudding: Boat House / Swimming Area
FluidPudding: The Puppet Show
FluidPudding: Time for bed and weird sweat stains.
FluidPudding: Embracing the Goofy (and the eruption of permanent dentition)
FluidPudding: Meredith on Hidalgo
FluidPudding: Harper on Hidalgo
FluidPudding: Trotting with a Cowboy
FluidPudding: Master Equestrian
FluidPudding: Learning the Ropes
FluidPudding: This girl wants a pony.
FluidPudding: Look! It's a photo of a kid playing in a stream!
FluidPudding: "If I sink this shot will you PLEASE buy me a pony?!"
FluidPudding: It's all in the form, Grasshopper.
FluidPudding: Meredith created her Dead tour uniform.
FluidPudding: Harper's Tie-Dye Creation
FluidPudding: Waiting for dinner. And dancing with inflatable guitars. Also, Elvis.
FluidPudding: Everyone loves Daddy.
FluidPudding: I believe I fell down and slept for 17 hours less than three seconds after this photo was taken.
FluidPudding: Lord help the mister, etc.
FluidPudding: Feeding the Goiter Fish
FluidPudding: Feeding the Pregnant Ladies
FluidPudding: Lotions and Potions!
FluidPudding: How much do you want to bet that Jeff is singing Don McLean tunes to himself?
FluidPudding: MC caught her first fish!
FluidPudding: This is where the magic happened.
FluidPudding: I always neck the way I want to go; Right or Left. (Ask anyone who knows me.)
FluidPudding: MC is a pony riding superstar.