UnconventionalEmma: DSC00346.JPG
UnconventionalEmma: Allotment compost bin
UnconventionalEmma: You will need....
UnconventionalEmma: Folding the top down
UnconventionalEmma: How to make newspaper pots
UnconventionalEmma: Tucking the end into the fold
UnconventionalEmma: Folding the end in
UnconventionalEmma: Paper pots
UnconventionalEmma: DSC00394.JPG
UnconventionalEmma: Empty coir pots
UnconventionalEmma: Filled coir pots
UnconventionalEmma: Pilot peas again
UnconventionalEmma: bbeans.jpg
UnconventionalEmma: tunnel.jpg
UnconventionalEmma: DSC00463.JPG
UnconventionalEmma: DSC00465.JPG
UnconventionalEmma: We've broken through!
UnconventionalEmma: DSC00517.JPG
UnconventionalEmma: DSC00518.JPG
UnconventionalEmma: Allotment onion bed