Fluffy*69: Leading the Way
Fluffy*69: Leaf and Ice
Fluffy*69: Ice Patterns
Fluffy*69: Fernworthy Reservoir Dartmoor
Fluffy*69: Bull
Fluffy*69: Autumn Leaves
Fluffy*69: Fern
Fluffy*69: Autumn Leaves
Fluffy*69: Horsing around!
Fluffy*69: Baby's got Blue Eyes
Fluffy*69: Combestone Tor
Fluffy*69: View from Combestone Tor
Fluffy*69: Lichen
Fluffy*69: The Orange Digger
Fluffy*69: Bowerman's Nose
Fluffy*69: Bowerman's Nose
Fluffy*69: Wheal Jewell Reservoir
Fluffy*69: Wheal Jewell Reservoir
Fluffy*69: Sheep near Wheal Betsy
Fluffy*69: Fallen Tree - Explored
Fluffy*69: Sluice Gate over the Devonport Leat, Dartmoor
Fluffy*69: Crazywell Cross
Fluffy*69: Autumn at Norsworthy Bridge - Explored
Fluffy*69: Autumn at Norsworthy Bridge
Fluffy*69: Scorhill, Dartmoor
Fluffy*69: Scorhill, Dartmoor
Fluffy*69: Scorhill, Dartmoor
Fluffy*69: Stone Circle, Scorhill, Dartmoor