oh fluff!: napping cat
oh fluff!: nanning
oh fluff!: a billboard in Nanning
oh fluff!: oh, the shrubbery!
oh fluff!: "Welcome to Nanning"
oh fluff!: Nanning shrubbery
oh fluff!: Intense!!
oh fluff!: needs trimmed up a bit
oh fluff!: a dragon in the flowers?
oh fluff!: fruit
oh fluff!: DSCF1979.JPG
oh fluff!: old woman in the market
oh fluff!: buying fruit
oh fluff!: a happy employee.........
oh fluff!: walking through Nanning
oh fluff!: afternoon nap
oh fluff!: interesting fruit
oh fluff!: some fruit
oh fluff!: sidewalk in Nanning
oh fluff!: a tinytinytiny dog
oh fluff!: Me and some sticky fruit on a stick.
oh fluff!: Mmmmm...
oh fluff!: doesn't this look tasty?
oh fluff!: baby bananas!
oh fluff!: Sweet and wonderful.
oh fluff!: This looks painful from the outside.
oh fluff!: sweet and juicy fruit
oh fluff!: Looks weird, tastes great
oh fluff!: Fruit in Nanning