oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House outside
oh fluff!: Aida caught mid-dance move
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox, Dave, and Lucretia
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox, Polly, Dave, me, and Lucy
oh fluff!: Dave and Lucretia with the grammar book
oh fluff!: Lucretia!
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: John and Kyle
oh fluff!: Aida, Lucy, and Caitlin
oh fluff!: wine glass
oh fluff!: Caitlin
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Aida, Lucy, and Caitlin at Dr. Fox's house
oh fluff!: Vermont farm
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Vermont on a rainy day
oh fluff!: Vermont mountains
oh fluff!: Caitlin
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Dr. Fox's House
oh fluff!: Caitlin and I practice our greeting
oh fluff!: Me and Aida
oh fluff!: Kyle and Aida
oh fluff!: me and Kyle