oh fluff!: Vermont
oh fluff!: Vermont
oh fluff!: A storm outside my window at St. Michael's College
oh fluff!: Mmmmmm
oh fluff!: St. Anne
oh fluff!: Vermonty Python!
oh fluff!: sitting by my window
oh fluff!: YUM!
oh fluff!: Creepy..
oh fluff!: Kyle and Lucretia headin' to the bus stop
oh fluff!: Me 'n' Lucretia (aka FMG)
oh fluff!: Lake Champlain
oh fluff!: Random dude ruins a photo on purpose
oh fluff!: Me and Kyle
oh fluff!: Hot air balloon at the Chew Chew Festival
oh fluff!: Oh, those crazies
oh fluff!: inside the hot air balloon
oh fluff!: view from up in the hot air balloon
oh fluff!: we're in the air!
oh fluff!: Burlington Farmer's Market
oh fluff!: Having fun at the Chew Chew Festival
oh fluff!: Chew Chew Festival
oh fluff!: At the Chew Chew Festival
oh fluff!: Susan, Kyle, and Amr
oh fluff!: Me, Susan, and Kyle at the tea shop
oh fluff!: Fountain in Burlington
oh fluff!: Lovely sunset
oh fluff!: so this is what vermont looks like.
oh fluff!: rain and hail outside of my window