fluffballs: The Candles
fluffballs: The focused ribbon
fluffballs: The Canon A620 test
fluffballs: The string and its shadows
fluffballs: The yellow pole on the side of the road
fluffballs: Another rusty nail
fluffballs: The Doggie - Snowy #1
fluffballs: The Doggie - Snowy #2
fluffballs: The light source
fluffballs: The Macro Brush
fluffballs: The Macro Massager
fluffballs: The book
fluffballs: Old macro in my archives
fluffballs: Another macro brush
fluffballs: The dice
fluffballs: bluebrush
fluffballs: Purple
fluffballs: Movement
fluffballs: Curves
fluffballs: Take a seat
fluffballs: Making my utensils useful
fluffballs: Making use of my utensils
fluffballs: Sunbathing starfish
fluffballs: French Fancies
fluffballs: In memory
fluffballs: Flower
fluffballs: Pencils
fluffballs: I love love LOVE my new camera and lens