Floyd's Noise: Office in Hermosa Beach
Floyd's Noise: Martha's
Floyd's Noise: A House on the Strand
Floyd's Noise: Blue Water Grill
Floyd's Noise: One Ninety and Green St
Floyd's Noise: Power Plant
Floyd's Noise: Marina Gate
Floyd's Noise: Airline to Sea Lion
Floyd's Noise: Morning Cherry Picker
Floyd's Noise: Cozy Corner Bakery
Floyd's Noise: Polly's Pier
Floyd's Noise: China Grill
Floyd's Noise: Boat Yard Crane
Floyd's Noise: Mueller Brewery
Floyd's Noise: House on the Strand
Floyd's Noise: Manhattan Beach House
Floyd's Noise: Oil Island
Floyd's Noise: The Old Mueller Brewery
Floyd's Noise: Moccasin Reservoir Power Station
Floyd's Noise: Manhattan Beach House (Redux)