Flowizm: start
Flowizm: greens
Flowizm: wheelchair, what?, arrow
Flowizm: drop off
Flowizm: Vendome restaurant
Flowizm: look, merckx, colnago
Flowizm: up & down
Flowizm: turn
Flowizm: leaders of the pack
Flowizm: pack mentality
Flowizm: 2km
Flowizm: push up
Flowizm: Ascension Friday
Flowizm: decent descent
Flowizm: glide
Flowizm: coming and coming
Flowizm: cresting
Flowizm: sky is falling
Flowizm: climbing
Flowizm: up
Flowizm: corner
Flowizm: pack through the gate
Flowizm: orange n' pink
Flowizm: finish line
Flowizm: Quebec podium
Flowizm: screen
Flowizm: Campy wheels
Flowizm: launching pad
Flowizm: go
Flowizm: under the arch