esmartistry: grin:]
esmartistry: Büyük Mecidiye (/Ortaköy) Camii
esmartistry: ☺Happiness is contagious.☺
esmartistry: time travelling into obscurity
esmartistry: y o r g u n
esmartistry: There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.There are seven million.
esmartistry: ~nostalgia~
esmartistry: Zaman akıp giderken..
esmartistry: “Kindness is like beautifies everything it covers.”
esmartistry: tangled melodies..
esmartistry: hayal meyal
esmartistry: Just say your words.
esmartistry: Artık demir almak günü gelmişse zamandan, Meçhule giden bir gemi kalkar bu limandan.
esmartistry: And the time goes by..
esmartistry: Saat, sona bir kala..
esmartistry: Ah yavrum bir bilsen..
esmartistry: melodrama
esmartistry: hope&joy
esmartistry: bir yanı hep eksik..
esmartistry: İstanbul ağlıyor,
esmartistry: İstanbul,
esmartistry: MSGSÜ KSM
esmartistry: hoşgeldin bebek!
esmartistry: Shy as a morning glory
esmartistry: the last