Angie Brownrabbit:
"We have the wings to fly!"
Angie Brownrabbit:
"I am a butterfly. I am a butterfly. "
Angie Brownrabbit:
Waiting for the plane to fly over.
Angie Brownrabbit:
The butterfly's body
Angie Brownrabbit:
They hunker down to reduce the size of their shadows.
Angie Brownrabbit:
Daniel and Stan film from 80 ft above in a manbasket
Angie Brownrabbit:
Eyes to the sky
Angie Brownrabbit:
These kids are the ends of a spiral
Angie Brownrabbit:
moving out onto the image to become spots
Angie Brownrabbit:
These kids are getting their first whiff of composted soil
Angie Brownrabbit:
The orange shirts!
Angie Brownrabbit:
kids sporting regal fritillary t-shirts
Angie Brownrabbit:
The students come out in their white shirts
Angie Brownrabbit:
Laying out the leaves
Angie Brownrabbit:
More bags of orange leaves to paint the butterfly wings
Angie Brownrabbit:
More bags of orange leaves to paint the butterfly wings
Angie Brownrabbit:
The sun came out and it got warmer.
Angie Brownrabbit:
The white spots are recycled towels
Angie Brownrabbit:
Daniel Dancer
Angie Brownrabbit:
A friend of Daniel's
Angie Brownrabbit:
Stan Herd
Angie Brownrabbit:
It's amazing how much kids can help out.
Angie Brownrabbit:
Some younger kids get involved
Angie Brownrabbit:
Central Junior High students helping out after school
Angie Brownrabbit:
Angie Brownrabbit:
Same butterfly, without the blue
Angie Brownrabbit:
"Art For the Sky opens hearts, instills vision and changes the way we see the world." Claes Nobel, Senior Member of the Nobel Prize Family
Angie Brownrabbit:
Stan placing leaves in the hind wing
Angie Brownrabbit: