floridecires: L o v e III
floridecires: L o v e II
floridecires: L o v e
floridecires: Angels chatting
floridecires: Feeding the pigeons. Or trying to (she's afraid of them)
floridecires: Studying hard
floridecires: Creating their own stories.
floridecires: Cut & go
floridecires: Like a boss
floridecires: She said she's two so she can have breakfast at the big table. Totally agree.
floridecires: La flower among other flowers.
floridecires: Let's take a nap. I'm exhausted.
floridecires: Sleepy heads
floridecires: I think she's going to be a swimmer. She loves water THAT much.
floridecires: Her passion for drawing... I see my childhood, when I was drawing all day long.
floridecires: My little painter is turning 2 this Saturday.
floridecires: Daddy's present for her 2nd birthday arrived earlier. And she loves it!
floridecires: It really melts my heart seeing them together.
floridecires: Happiness is being a mother
floridecires: These adorable two fellows...
floridecires: I can really see a part of Heaven when I watch her sleeping.
floridecires: Sleepless.
floridecires: 23 months
floridecires: She's an energy bombe. I'm exhausted :D
floridecires: She perfectly counts from 1 to 10
floridecires: Mom's socks are very cool!
floridecires: ...and daddy vs Anais.
floridecires: Yup. She's mine.