FloridaGirl46: Watching a Whale
FloridaGirl46: Little Polar Bear and Sea Gulls
FloridaGirl46: LPB with Lifesaving ring
FloridaGirl46: LPB's friend Hippo
FloridaGirl46: Rainbow World - Little Polar Bear
FloridaGirl46: LPB riding on mom's back
FloridaGirl46: Riding a camel
FloridaGirl46: Little Polar Bear on a fence with a cat.
FloridaGirl46: Little Polar Bear and Walrus
FloridaGirl46: Little Polar Bear floating on a barrel.
FloridaGirl46: Swimming underwater
FloridaGirl46: Little Polar Bear
FloridaGirl46: Floating on a raft
FloridaGirl46: Little PB and Tiger
FloridaGirl46: On top of an Igloo
FloridaGirl46: Little Polar Bear and Friends, make snowmen.
FloridaGirl46: 3 polar bears and LPB
FloridaGirl46: On an ice flow.
FloridaGirl46: Riding on Ice
FloridaGirl46: LPB and Brave Hare
FloridaGirl46: LPB hiding from all terrain vehicle.
FloridaGirl46: On Safari - Little Polar Bear
FloridaGirl46: Gazing Out To Sea